Missy Gervais – Centre Bay Yacht Station

Posts by Missy Gervais

Social Distancing

Please do your part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Recreational boaters are urged to think ahead about the actions that they can take to protect their health and safety and prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others. While boating safety is always important, being prepared and knowledgeable during these uncertain times can help keep…

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Wolves on Gambier Island

For those heading out for some early Spring cruising, please be aware that wolves have been spotted in and around Gambier Island. Conversation officers suggest that pets are kept on a leash at all times until the small pack of 7 wolves has moved on. Please report all sightings of the wolves to the BC…

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Women’s Day at the Vancouver Boat Show

A conference designed specifically for women who boat (or want to!) and organized by a group of women volunteers who feel passionate about building community. Tickets are still available for Saturday, February 8, 2020 – 8:00 to 4:30, at the Vancouver International Boat Show. Be a part of this amazing and supportive group. Not only…

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Boating Safety at Night

The fireworks are over for this year but if you are heading home a bit late, make sure you have your nav lights on.  Even better, download a free copy of the Safe Boating Guide to have onboard at all times. Here is the link for your free download, https://www.tc.gc.ca/media/documents/marinesafety/TP-511e.pdf  

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Boating Around Killer Whales

Boaters need to be aware when boating around killer whales.  Always slow down, keep 200 meters away, stop fishing and turn off your 50 kHz frequency echo sounders and only use your 200 kHz frequency.

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Introducing the CBYS Facebook Group!

CBYS has a its own Closed Facebook Page.  A Closed Facebook Page is visible to the public to view the landing page and allows anyone to request to be accepted in the group, however the posts cannot be seen by the public, only the members of the group. Simply click on the FB link and…

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Vessel Sewage Pump Out Rules

All boats at CBYS must use holding tanks. Sewage from boats harms the environment, particularly in busy or poorly flushed outstations and anchorages. In Canada, it is illegal to dump sewage from boats within three nautical miles of shore Public sewage pump-outs are available in False Creek and Coal Harbour at several marinas. To find…

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How To Operate the CBYS AED

CBYS has an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) located in the dock shed at the bottom of the main ramp adjacent the Centre Bay Café.  It is located on the inside door of the shed.  The same key that opens the White House and the Fahrni Cabin, opens the dock shed. Please familiarize yourself with the…

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Campfire Bans and Restrictions

A campfire is an open fire that burns piled material no larger than 0.5 m in height and 0.5 m in width and is used by any person for recreational purpose, or by a First Nation for a ceremonial purpose. Many British Columbians and visitors to our province enjoy campfires. To prevent your campfire from…

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Tidal Waters Fishing Licence

There is a lot of great crabbing and prawning in and around Centre Bay. All anglers must have a licence to fish tidal (salt) waters in British Columbia. It is best to purchase your licence online before you head out.  An annual adult licence is $22,  $11 for 65 and older and free for fishers…

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