Wolves on Gambier Island

For those heading out for some early Spring cruising, please be aware that wolves have been spotted in and around Gambier Island.

Conversation officers suggest that pets are kept on a leash at all times until the small pack of 7 wolves has moved on.

Please report all sightings of the wolves to the BC Conservation Office RAPP line at (1-877-952-7277) and specify that the Sechelt officer has asked for this sighting information in order to track the wolves movement.

1 Comment

  1. Teresa Diener Teresa Diener on August 5, 2020 at 6:00 pm

    I will report this but so other boaters are aware.
    We own the property that joins up with the Ramillies Channel Marine park. We were there this past weekend and spotted the wolves on the boarder of our property and the beac

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